Bionex Products
Bionex Technology uses natural organisms to clean soils and surfaces impacted with petroleum products and other harmful organic chemicals. What makes our products unique is the super-concentrated cultures of bacteria that are at the center of all Bionex products.
Our bacteria naturally dismantle industrial water into harmless components, instead of simply carrying it off, as solvents and cleaners do. From your home garage to large-scale industry clean up jobs, our patented microorganisms are the little guys that deliver huge results!

Unlike oxidizing agents that bleach soils and groundwater killing the indigenous bacteria, Super Microbe and Remedy add bacteria and enzymes creating an environment for indigenous and introduced hydrocarbon degrading bacteria to thrive.
While oxidizing agents work well for initially reducing concentrations or organic contaminants, they hinder the ability at obtaining clean goals. Oxidizing agents essentially burn contaminants in soils and groundwater while killing natural bacteria typically used in “natural attenuation.” Because the indigenous bacteria are killed, there are no bacteria left to degrade the remaining concentrations of organic contaminants. Often in these cases, the cure can be worse than the disease when clean-up concentrations are not initially obtained during oxidizing applications.

Vapor Venom is a super concentrated hydrocarbon encapsulation product. It suppresses volatile organic compounds while immediately reducing LELs (flammability). This is an exceptional agent to use for degassing tanks and pipelines or applying directly to the surface of a hydrocarbon vapor source during spill response activities.

Remedy is a powerful, multi-functioning formula of site specific selected microbes designed to remediate petroleum impacted soils and groundwater. Remedy contains particular microbes and a proprietary blend of bio stimulating agents that rapidly degrade hydrocarbons and other organic pollutants in soil and groundwater

Endurance is a powerful industrial degreaser for cleaning and cutting stubborn oil, grease, and paraffin on many types of surfaces. It works quickly to remove oil stains from tank surfaces, heavy machinery, and concrete. This professional strength degreaser is even effective at reducing LELs (flammability) and reducing odors.